
Install Emu/PyWPS on localhost

Use the WPS playbook:


Clone the playbook:

$ git clone https://github.com/bird-house/ansible-wps-playbook.git
$ cd ansible-wps-playbook

Optionally you can setup a Vagrant VM for testing:

$ vagrant up --no-provision
$ vagrant ssh
$ sudo yum install epel-release
$ sudo yum install ansible
$ cd /vagrant

Install Emu on localhost (or in Vagrant VM):

$ cp etc/sample-emu.yml custom.yml
$ ansible-playbook -c local -i hosts playbook.yml

This example is using the Emu WPS with simple test processes:


Install Slurm cluster

Use this slurm playbook:


Run playbook with Vagrant:

$ vagrant up
$ ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -u vagrant --private-key=~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -i inventories/vagrant-cluster.yml playbook.yml

Login to slurm master node:

$ vagrant ssh slurmmaster

Run slurm test:

> sudo -i # become root
> squeue # to view the queue
> sbatch /root/hostname.sh # to run a job
> squeue # to see if it is running

Install Emu/PyWPS on cluster

Use the WPS playbook:


Install PyWPS into the same cluster as slurm:

$ cp etc/vagrant-cluster.yml custom.yml
$ ansible-playbook -u vagrant --private-key=~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -i inventory/vagrant-cluster.yml playbook.yml

This example is using the Emu WPS with simple test processes:


Install the rook/PyWPS for subsetting on cluster

This example is using the rook WPS with subsetting processes on climate model data:


Installation is like before with slurm cluster but using a different config file:

$ cp etc/vagrant-cluster-with-rook.yml custom.yml
$ ansible-playbook -u vagrant --private-key=~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -i inventory/vagrant-cluster.yml playbook.yml

In this example demo data is installed in a shared Vagrant folder .local/data:
